

Underground parking garage in Zurich

Actually, there is not enough electricity in this underground parking garage to operate 8 charging stations. But that's exactly what our customer wanted.

It would not have been a good idea: if several cars had been drawing power at the same time, the main fuse would have blown very quickly. What sounds harmless can have far-reaching consequences under certain circumstances: No more lights would have been on, all refrigerators would have stopped cooling and in winter the heating would also have failed.

With the main fuse, the problem is not solved simply by flipping a switch. It has to be organized first and, if you’re unlucky, it happens at the weekend. Imagine: a weekend completely without electricity.

With Invisia charging management, this doesn’t happen: all cars can be connected to the charging stations at the same time and the available electricity is intelligently and flexibly routed to exactly where it is needed.

«Our tenants are extremely satisfied.»

The customer

Facts and figures

  • Unterground parking garage in Seefeld, Zurich
  • 8 charging stations from Wallbe
  • Installation: 2017