

State-of-the-art car dealership with PV system & charging infrastructure

At the ultra-modern car dealership of Invisia customer Dimab SA in Rossens, the BMW, Mini and Alpina dealership in the Fribourg region, great importance was attached to optimising the production and consumption of electricity by the PV system when planning and implementing the impressive new building.
Copyright: DIMAB Rossens SA

The extensive PV system includes modules on the roof and on the facade in a blue look, which fit well into the modern appearance. In addition to its own car wash and all kinds of vehicle-related services, Dimab SA’s automotive competence center also includes a comprehensive charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, which can contribute significantly to increasing self-consumption.

This e-mobility infrastructure includes AC and DC charging stations from ABB, which are used directly for charging electric vehicles in the garage, but are also available for public use via a backend.

Invisia monitors the main power connection and the PV production of the system and regulates the consumption of the charging infrastructure in real time.

The Invisia Server is used for this purpose.

Facts and figures

  1. 8 x ABB Terra AC 22kW
  2. 2 x ABB Terra DC 180 kW
  3. PV system on roof and facade
  4. Public charging stations
  5. Energy management by Invisia